How to Make Learning Sustainable

Most people don’t think of learning as sustainable – they think of it as an event. It’s a class you attend or an online course you complete. But that thinking doesn’t connect learning to applying skills on the job.

Traditional one-and-done training has lost its credibility as sessions quickly become outdated, inaccurate, and irrelevant. Your business needs sustainable learning that delivers relevant content exactly when and where it’s needed. But how do you get there?

Sustainability Requires Maintenance

For starters, it’s crucial to create and stick to a learning sustainability plan that keeps all your content fresh. As products, workflows, applications, and goals change, content needs to be reviewed and updated continuously.

Ask yourself: Does the content develop the skills needed for ideal job performance?

While sustainable learning has to focus on relevant, high-quality training, it needs to go beyond that. It needs to give insight into how effective your operations are. If learning doesn’t meet that goal, then it’s pointless.

Plus, when you pay more attention to your learning content, you build credibility. Your team will know that their training is accurate and up to date – because it will be.

Application Leads to Updates

If learning content is old, obsolete, and not applied on the job, then it needs to be updated or retired.

Ask yourself: Does the content focus on outcomes that meet business goals?

New content and updates can be captured in two ways: reactively or proactively.

You can reactively update your content as your team submits requests or as you identify training gaps. This allows everyone to have their voice heard and builds a community of sharing through learning.

Or you can proactively ask your team for updates with regularly scheduled process evaluations. This lets the content’s importance dictate how often it gets reviewed.

Outside Views Inspire Change

But reviews of your content shouldn’t only happen internally.

Ask yourself: What outside consultants have practical experience with similar problems?

Understanding how others solve similar problems lets you explore new ways to boost productivity and create more efficient workflows. External reviews provide the perfect opportunity to meet with your business partners and discover how you can improve together.

Purpose Drives True Sustainability

It’s time to do away with “update” training. Training sessions on new features or functions have nothing to do with applying skills to meet desired goals. When you focus on workflows and outcomes, you build learning with a purpose and that makes it truly sustainable.

When you use a role-based system built on microlearning content, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time there is a change. Just update the relevant content and the system should be smart enough to deliver it exactly where it’s needed. And that’s how you equip your team to learn sustainably.

If you don’t think of learning as sustainable, it’s time to change that.

Role-Based Learning: How Managers Nail Their Goals

For managers, being in control of an entire team’s success can be nerve-racking. It’s kind of like bungee jumping off a cliff and hoping that rope has your back – hope isn’t a tactic any manager wants to rely on.

You want to know you have the right people on the right projects at the right time. And you want to make sure every member of your team is equipped with the skills they need. Role-based learning gets you there.

With a role-based learning solution, you’ll give your team the tools and resources they need not to just do their jobs – but to excel at them. And you’ll get so much more…

For starters, you’ll know what skills really matter for each of the roles on your team. You’ll have proof of what your team knows, understand where they could improve, and discover who has hidden talents. Plus, you’ll be able to set clear, unbiased benchmarks for performance and improve communication with your team. All this means, everyone knows where they stand and what it takes to get to the next level. So, your team will want to upskill – and they’ll feel more valued with your support.

If all that wasn’t enough to sell you on role-based learning, it also saves time and money. There’s no question that businesses have to commit to employee development to keep pace with change and stay competitive. But traditional training and courses are expensive and interrupt progress. They may not focus on the skills your team needs or they could waste time on what your team already knows. That’s where the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of role-based learning wins every time.

When you choose role-based learning, you’ll make more right calls, deliver better results, and nail your goals.

Stop Learning Like It’s 1899

Are British monarchal institutions what come to mind when you think of education or training? Probably not, but it was during their reign that Western education as we know it was formalized.

For all intents and purposes, today we are learning the same way folks did 200 years ago.

And you may be thinking, if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.

But is it not broken?

Think back to your time in a classroom, right before a big test. Did you ever write and rewrite the same list of words or ideas until you could recite them back in proper order? Maybe this is how you memorized the Periodic table, Latin declensions, a Robert Frost poem, or the elements of design.

We want to know. What can you recite right now?

It’s time to stop learning like it’s 1899. Read our white paper to learn all the reasons why.

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